Saturday, June 26, 2010


Long time, no post My Blog Monsters!
I apologize. I also have a list of excuses.

1. I could, once again, not think of anything satisfactory to blog about
2.I'm Queen of Randomness and Procrastination *blushes*
3. I am not a commited person. Unless it comes to being a fan of someone. Then I plaster their face all over anything that is mine (bedroom, computer screen, flair board etc.), memorize their life story along with many random factoids and quotes...and think about them all day. Well, maybe not all day, maybe like 75% of the day...actually only like 50% because technically I am asleep for half of a day. Not speaking of anyone in particular though...*cough*Nick Jonas*cough*Ian Somerhalder*cough*Taylor Lautner*COUGH* By the way, ECLIPSE IS COMING OUT AND I AM SO EXCIIIITED!!!!! I think Twilight is my new Pirates of the Caribbean. (For those who don't know, I went through an overly obsessive Pirates of the Caribbean phase a couple years ago. I have stickers,posters,folders,buckets,   t-shirts, a freakin' night light and MORE, all having to do with POTC. My freakin' Youtube account is even POTC themed. (Well, it WAS...I took down the Orlando Bloom background. My username is "inlovewithpotc")

OK, so I was gonna do a blog post about what outfits should I wear for my upcoming Senior pictures. But by the time I actually got around to it, I already decided. Expect to be seeing me in my absolute favorite pair of , as my father calls them, impractical shoes. I see nothing impractical about being taller and excersizing your legs. Plus, HELLO, looking cute is a serious deal, man.

And all that leg-cersize came in handy this week...I got signed up for a 4 day long tennis clinic and let me tell you...IT WAS AWESOME!

Day 1 (Monday)

Very very very very very very very informational. Things I learned about tennis: different parts of the racket, different parts of the court(which I do not remember at all except for base line and service line and alley), proper stances, terms. 

Things I learned about Me playing tennis:
1. I am "forceful", which I think is the coaches' nice way of saying I like to beat the crap out of the ball.
2. Footwork is apparently my strong point, which surprised me greatly because I assumed I'd be falling on my face left and right, like I normally do. My balance is a little off, but I have yet to fall or trip.
3. I need to work on my focus...You hit more balls that way and don't get hit in the back of the head as often(Which only happened once, by the way, all you smart alecky people, because I didn't know Coach Rory was gonna throw another ball)

There were 3 courts, 4 coaches, 6 students, a bazillion tennis balls. It was AMAZING sunny weather... I am pleased to report that my ever elusive tan has finally been acquired and will be made better through out the summer.I have a you may see that I AM white... in my own way. It kind of hurt for like 3 days but it wasn't a burn, because it never peeled or got red. My little nose did though. It's still kind of freckle-y. Yes, when I get a tan, it brings out freckle type things, as you can sort of see in my picture, (which reminds me I should've worn a halter top instead). Which I think would be totally awesome, IF I was a redhead or something.

We learned how to do a forehand stroke and a backhand stroke. I will not be a tennis geek and tell you the difference... Like I really want to. Except that forehand is with your left foot at a 2 o' clock position and backhand is with your right foot at 10 o' clock. Forehand is usually done with one arm,(dominant one, so in my case, right) whilst backhand is, sometimes, done with both hands. My forehand is better than my backhand most times... but my backhand is really cool looking when I actually hit the ball with it.

Day 2 (Tuesday)

The weather was a bit gloomy, and we got sprinkled on several times. But still awesome. We did these awesome warm ups, that I can't remember the name of (Or even if it had a name...I think it was Rotations maybe...) Where you stand back to back and twist at the waist passing the ball to your partner around and around until you're so dizzy you can't see straight. Well, thats what I did, but you were supposed to stop after 20 I think...Natalee lost count and I was too busy thinking about what a great work out my abs were getting (And I am not even kidding. I seriously was thinking "Dang, I'm gonna have killer abs!")  to remember to count. When Coach asked how many we did, I said "Like 20." and then he asked someone else and they said "Like 22." and he's like "You Anacondans don't have exact numbers do you? I could go to the bakery and ask for "like 10 donuts" and I could get 6 or I could get 18...Maybe we should work on exact numbers." It was true...and also kind of really funny.

Injury of the day: I got hit in the forehead with a racket. Not a good feeling. No scar but my forehead was very red. Note to self: Do not try to pick up the ball when the person next to you is finishing their back handed swing.Also, note when people are swinging. And when they are standing next to you.

Due to crappy, pouring, flooding rain weather, tennis was cancelled until Friday. Me and Natalee practiced at my house and honestly, sucked quite badly. Note to self: Do not play anywhere but the tennis court with Nat, because it is destined for the ball to land someplace you can't easily get to the ball, because she will most likely launch it into the creek, the neighbor's yard at the end of the street, into a 40 foot tall tree, etc.

Day 3 (Technically, it would be day 5 but whatever. Friday)

Weather was NICE!!! Not too hot, not too cold. Sierra came with us to watch, and despite insistence from everyone,(coaches and students) she would not play. Even though the day before, when we were playing in the windy rain, in the street, she made a big freaking deal about me not letting her play. But I was glad we brought her because she picked up the 100 + tennis balls we hit all over the place... about 3 times, that we students normally have to run around picking up.

No injury of the day but HIGHLIGHT: Coach said I'm definitely doing awesome. He teases me the most (besides Nat, for forgetting which side is her right.) AND also gives me the most advice. I think I'm his favorite student... Coach Rory is my favorite coach. 

Day 4 (Technically, it would be like, day 10. Whatever. Wednesday)

We learned about scoring. Love means 0,("I may not have any points but at least I have love." -Coach Rory) 15 means 1 point, 30 means 2 points, 40 means 3, the next point is called Game cuz you won...and if you both have 40 its called Duece and if...ok That's all I can remember really well but Coach Ann gave me a booky thing that explains it. 

Then we played a few games, using our scoring knowledge. I was glad everyone else caught on because I was lost after 40. 

And now we have practice sessions all through the summer FOR FREE Thanks to Coach Ann! Whom I need to get a hold of to send me tennis pictures!

Thanks for reading, My Lovelies!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fun weekend!!!

Hello My Little Blog Monsters! (Yeah that's what I'm calling ya'll now. Miss Steffani Germanotta, I am only part way copying you)

SO, I am feeling quite happy as of late. My bestest friend in the entire universe, the one and only Hannah Smith (Well, I'm sure there are like 5 bazillion more Hannah Smiths but this one is one in a million) invited me over this last weekend. (Well, it WAS last weekend when I wrote this, but I don't feel like figuring out the dates. It was 2 weeks ago.) And it was SOOOO much FUNNNNN!!!!!!!

First off, we were in tiny (Well,the town part is tiny, I don't know about population or actual size) but GORGEOUS Phillipsburg, Montana, up at her grandparent's beautiful house, in the amazing woods. (More on those later, and YES, I am using a lot of adjectives in this post but it's hard not to!)

Daniel came along too, I should mention and Hannah's brother, affectionately known as Tater hung out with us too. We jammed a little bit, Me with guitar and a little bit of vocals, Hannah on the keyboard with BEAUTIFUL vocals, Tater on guitar and Daniel on drums. I don't think we ever actually played a whole song together but it was fun nonetheless and I loved it!

I also reallllllllly liked the Taylor acoustic guitar. It was shiny, small and didn't smell weird. I found a picture of it (or one very similar to it anyways) That guitar = LOVE! Like, if I could marry a guitar, it'd be that one. By the way, once a lady legally married a rock, which I personally found to be stupid because rocks don't talk, among other things. So it would be boring to be married to a rock. The poor lady must've had some SERIOUS relationship issues with humans. Guitars are more entertaining than rocks. At least you can play with a guitar. And here I am going off on one of my random rabbit trail ramblings...

Hannah and I also did typical "girly" stuff. We talked, watched a chick flick, talked, french tipped our nails(check out them bee-yoo-tee-full claws! FYI, I have not bitten my nails for like 3 weeks now, except for 1, but I was deep in thought when it happened. That is my excuse.), talked, went on a couple walks/hikes, talked etc.
But if you known anything about me, I am NOT ALWAYS a girly girl and sometimes I like to get dirty. So what better to do than go quadding? THERE'S MUD! (Which reminds me, I should've got a picture of my muddy pants but whatever) It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (o's would go on for about another page) FUN!!!!!!! The wind blowing in my face, looking at the UNBELIEVABLE scenery, my face being frozen into a smile for half an hour afterwards. It was REALLY fun when Hannah drove us over this huge bump and I almost flew off ("I got like 3 feet of air that time.") I was laughing so hard! It's OFFICIAL: I LOVE FOURWHEELING!

Our boots in order from left to right: Me, Hannah, Tater and Daniel. This is the log we sat on and got infested by ticks. Which was gross. And I felt creepy crawly for a week afterwards. But there were pretty little, yellow flowers. And we wondered if the big lumpy thing in the distance was a bear. Tater had bear spray though, so we were covered if it decided to come across the valley to us.

So there you go! Enjoy! And comment Little Blog Monsters!

I also got some pictures (that do not do the real thing justice) of the mountains. I was reminded several times why I like Montana: IT IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! (Yes I needed to be reminded...Anaconda is not good at keeping that particular set of beliefs in check)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Funny Quotes!

Well, since I have had an insistance of people (it's a like a flock of geese, or a pride of lions) begging, demanding etc. for me to do a new blog post, I decided, in a last ditch attempt, to think of a blogging subject. So, I give to you, quotes made by me and my crazy family and friends. Hopefully, they will make you laugh, (because that is the freaking purpose of this blog, for my inner comedian to shine through.)


"Ruby, you need 2 things to get by in the real world(since when does a 13 year old boy know anything about "the real world"?) ...a job, a house and a car."

"OK everybody shut up & be quiet! We need to make a suppressed box."

"Why are you and Katie always talking about TR? What's TR? Teddy Roosevelt? You guys talk about Teddy Roosevelt all day?" (Yes, Daniel, that is what normal teenage girls talk about. Actually, it means Teen Randomness)


Doing schoolwork with My baby bro, about 2 years ago, when he was 4.

Me:"Ok...Write the letter S,Gabriel."

G:"Ok, hold on. I have to finish drawing a smiley face on the sun."

Me: (rolls eyes) "Ok, hurry up."

G:(stops drawing) "I don't want to write my letters now. I want to do my math."

Me:(sighs) "Ok...(I get out his book) Write the numbers 8 & 9."

G: "I don't like writing my letters."

Me: (smiles, trying to be patient) "These are numbers."

G: "Oh yeah! I forgot! I'm so stupid!" (laughs hysterically)

"If I put on these boots, you will probably say I'm cute." (Jealous of my complimenting SissyBug's boots)

Making cookies one night...

G:"Ruby, how hot is the oven?"

Me: "Um, it says 185 degrees."

G:(laughs hysterically) "That must be how hot you think The Jonas Brothers are!"

a few minutes later...

G: (acting like he's up to no good)"Ruby, how hot is the oven now?"

Me:"350 degrees, why?"

G:"That must be how hot you think Taylor Lautner is!"(breaks into hysterical laughter)


"Mommy! Yuby thyew the yope on the yoof!" = "Ruby threw the rope on the roof." (Back when she pronounced all her r's as y's)

S: (drops something) "Oh CRAP."

Dad: "Don't say crap.You're too little to be saying stuff like that."

S:"Crappity...crap,crap, CRAP." (flounces away)

"Ruby, what do you think is better? French kissing or American kissing?" (Not really sure what exactly AMERICAN kissing is but I think it's supposed to be a quick peck on the lips...?)


"Ah, I don't get this game! I'm tired and funcused."

"I make all inanimate objects shake in fear!"

"Oh mommy, I'm so 'tarded! *walks right into the wall* "Point proven."

Ok there ARE SO many more quotes that I have, I just can't remember them so I guess this, like the funny pictures, will be a 2 parter!

ENJOY!!!!!! And comment, you little monsters. Oh wait, I'm not Lady Gaga and you are not my fans...

Comment you followers. ( I gotta come up with a more creative name for you guys)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

MORE funny pictures!

YAY FOR ME BLOGGING!! (sorry, I can't help but get excited for myself when I actually blog.)
So I promised more funny pictures, and I got such a wonderful response, (4 out of 6 followers isn't too bad, if I do say so myself.By the way, WHY do I only have 6 followers?! Tell people about me!) that I HAD to post again. (I'm a comment hog by the way...I LIVE for comments)

So without further a due (or is it a do? adieu? I've always wondered, but am too lazy to find out right now.) FUNNY PICTURES, RUBY AND DANNYBOY EDITION! (with some Sissy Bug thrown in)

SissyBug has that new baby "alien" look goin' on. (Yes, I think brand new babies look closer to "alien" rather than "cute". In my opinion, it takes a month or so before they qualify as "cute". SUE ME.) Daniel, being his usual camera loving self. I am looking like the typical dorky 2nd grader (Was there ever a 2nd grader who didn't look dorky? Like seriously...I can't think of one.) Oh and my hair was mostly straight back then.This was several months after my first haircut. (That's right...I was 6 before I got a haircut. I looked like a mushroom after said haircut. Ergo why I did not post any pictures of Ruby Mushroom Head.)

Speaking of brand new babies...Check it out! Ok, so this isn't really that funny (Except for the proof that I am in fact Gabriel's twin sister born 11 years earlier than him.) And though you can't see it, I am an unnaturally huge 3 year old....My sister was 6 before she could fit in my 3 year old clothes. Sissy was a pipsqueak.

Well known Rubyism. If I see the word "yawn", hear someone yawn, hear someone SAY yawn, see someone yawn or even think "yawn"...I WILL yawn.

Ok WHO'S IDEA WAS IT TO STICK ME IN THE HIPPO? Could you not see that this was a potentially traumatizing experience?!?! The look of fear on my face is very real...and ok, freaking funny. Note to Parents: CHILDREN DO NOT LIKE TO BE STUCK IN REALISTIC ANIMAL STATUES...EVEN IF THEY CAN'T ACTUALLY EAT THEM. It's freaking scary if you use your imagination. (Which, by the way, Barney the Dinosaur taught me how to do verrrrrry well, and I was using my imagination the time, as indicated by my terrified face.)

What happens when you give a 5 year old batteries to go with the toy you got him...but you wrapped up the batteries like another present? This.

It's my blog so I need to put more pictures of me...YAY FOR ME BEING PRETTY FREAKING CUTE!!! (If I do say so myself...which I do say so myself.) Awwww, look at me with my big blue gun and diaper!!! And look at me with my ultra pinkness and baby Jackson nose!!! And being a total model, as usual. Ruby sees camera. Ruby poses for camera. (Only difference now is "Ruby sees camera, Ruby hides until she finds out if her hair and makeup look good, then poses if they pass qualification of "good".)

Now for more DannyBoy and me! Aw, look at me talking in the middle of a Christmas picture, most likely suggesting poses to Mom. ("How about I put my arm wike diiiiis?") And me with my gigantic hair. I think I was born like half Rapunzel -Wolf or something. (Do not question my imaginary mythical creatures.) And My NEW baby brother (at the time) looking like he doesn't know what to
think. So he makes the classic "baby Daniel buggy eye face".

And who needs a binky when you can chew on Dad's nose? It never gets lost and it doesn't cost a thing! I'm guessing DannyBoy didn't have teeth yet...otherwise, Dad would've woken up pretty fast. (IF he hadn't drowned from baby drool.) Trust me, I know for a painfully obvious fact, that my brother was very "experienced" with his lil chompers. (Thank God his Terrible Two's only lasted for a couple years.)

My dad stuck a cloth diaper on my head. He took a picture. Dad is weird. I'm cute. 'Nuff said.

That is a confetti wig, one of the many fun things that grandpa gave me that mommy did not like, because it shedded/stained etc. and she mysteriously lost it when we moved. I was not happy with Mommy. But I no longer feel the need for a confetti wig, so all is forgiven.

Soooo....I may have to do a 3rd edtion...because I STILL haven't found the picture of Daniel in a dress! HAHAHAHA! Enjoy!

Monday, March 1, 2010

You thought I was dead? WRONG!

OK, so I totally deserve being called worst bloggy person ever cuz I've left my poor blog alone for nearly a month (or maybe it was 2....I'm not actually sure.) But it wasn't a case of was lack of inspiration! I mean, who the heck is gonna wanna read a blog telling you how much you hate snow and how much you wish you were rich? (2 of the pathetic topics I thought about using) So anyways, One Lovely Person from church brought us a meal, one of several this week, due to my mommy having her guts taken out and whatnot. (She's doing fine by the way.) And what should be in the meal but treats...Sour Ropes and Peeps! PEEPS! For some reason I eat them every year even though they taste absolutely disgusting...It's like a weird personal tradition or something. I always eat Peeps around Easter...even though I don't like them. Yes I'm weird....let's not dwell on that fact.

Anyways, Peeps inspired me. How? Well, as I went to eat a sparkley (Hey, maybe THAT'S why I eat them. My love of all things sparkley perhaps?) blue bunny, when I of them was different. There was a new nationality of Peep next to the American one. (Peeps ARE American, aren't they? Not like some Scandanavian/Spanish hybrid?)

And it struck me as very funny...which (Ha, I have such LONG explanations.) inspired me to blog about...FUNNY/WEIRD (yes, we are famous for being weird, your point?) PICTURES! OK, so these first ones are from our Road Trip/Vacation (They called it Vacation, I called it Road Trip.) Last summer. When you are in the car for long periods of time, you tend to go insane (and to this day, I get claustrophobia when we all get in my grandparents Toyota) And what happens when you combine walking all around Mount Rushmore, a few hours in the car and a bag of candy corn? (By the way, I don't know what happened to Monkey Boy's candy corn after we took these pictures, and I don't wanna find out.)

Me and SissyBug were going to do a series of "faux" (The French people's fancy word meaning FAKE) movie posters, but it never happened, due to well, procrastination and other pictures taking waaaay too long to do make-up for. These were gonna be for "Planet of the Apes" (by the way, grapes are good for making you appear to have monkey lips) and "Dark Knight". Yes, my little sister is trying to look like the Joker.

The Jester (Joker's little brother) meets the Princess on Halloween 2008! The princess is apparently having a Sugar Rush in the first picture.

Guess what happens when bored sisters have little brothers? Well, if you were a little brother with an older sister, or an older sister with a little brother, you know the answer. I will have to find a similar one of me and Dannyboy some day. Needless to say, our family likes dressing up.

OK, so there are tons more lovely pictures. I will make another post with pictures of me and Dannyboy, cuz I couldn't find any REALLY good ones in my alotted time...Blah!
I hope you enjoy these IMMENSELY! You must COMMENT YOUR LITTLE HEARTS OUT if you want another post!

Friday, January 29, 2010

New Hair Do!

I have exciting prepared...Drumroll! I have a new 'do! Thanks to:

, , AND...

Yes, I'm wearing fake glasses in the picture and that picture is like a year old.

Ok so, you wanna see my hair? Yes? No? Well, guess what...if you read my blog, you have no choice.

As with ANY makeover, you need a "before" picture so...

And YES, I know I look like the Queen of the Undead Zombie Legion of Montana.

BEFORE (Ewww!)


If my hair was always straight, I'd totally go shorter...and apparently I am not photogenic last night or today...Or it could be the lack of sleep...Anyways, what do you think? Is it better Curly or Straight? Speaking of which I need a new straightener...mine is PULLS YOUR HAIR! I yelled at it this morning and it pulled again! Ergo my straight haired pictures looking kinda frizzy. Oh yeah and I got hurt by the scissors...mommy stabbed me! lol They are the freaking sharpest scissors EVER!

Monday, January 18, 2010

2 Cards made with Mommy's Stampies!

Hello all you Crazy People! (Once, I had a friend who had that as her email address.)

I made 2 cards...the first is an ultra girly but rocker/punk/emo style card, with the Maltese stamp...with TONS of sparkley and pink stuff!

I used patterned foil heart paper (from the mini DCWV Rockstar stack) , metallic silver cardstock (the square under the puppy) and pink white core cardstock,(under the puppy and on the top & bottom of the foil paper) which, as you can hopefully see, I quite thoroughly distressed(Scrappers talk for making "looks like it was ran over by a truck" look cool). I used 2 black star shaped eyelets and silver ribbon with black edges. Oh and how could I forget? I used Pink "gift of the crafty gods" aka "Stickles" on her hair bow!

The next card is a belated birthday card, which, if you're like me, always meaning well but never meaning well on time...IT'S PERFECT! This card is also quite distressed, with dark brown ink and sanding. I also tried something new to me...I sewed on paper! (see the "little" and the strip of jeans on the bottom) GASP! It looks kind of stupid but my crookedness went along so well with the style I was going for, that I actually like it. Speaking of new, I also used a strip of Sierra's old jeans on the bottom edge (Hey,the butt of them was basically shredded, so I might as well make good use out of them!) The gift of the crafty gods was used on this as well...I used matching Stickles for random dots on the paper...Mom has enough variety that I actually had trouble deciding which pink/purple/green etc. to use! As we say, Stickles equals love, therefore someone verrrrry special (who's birthday I forgot, unfortunately) will be getting this card! ;)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hello my adoring public!
I have not been blogging for the sole purpose of keeping up my reputation as a procrastinator. But alas, though I swore that I needed nothing interesting to blog about, I HAD to have something at least semi interesting to blog about...What's more interesting than cookies? CHOCOLATE CHIP cookies! DUH! So I will share the fantabulous recipe and a few pictures of my cookie baking experience...

Me, listening to Demi Lovato, while gazing at the last chocolate chip that was in the bag, which, as is my tradtion, I got to eat!

Chewy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies

1 cup of softened butter 1 teaspoon of salt OATMEAL!!!!!

1 cup packed brown sugar 3 cups Quick Oats

1/2 cup white sugar 1 cup of chopped walnuts

2 eggs 1 cup Semi sweet chocolate chips
2 teaspoons of vanilla 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

Preheat oven to 325 F. In large bowl, cream together the butter, brown sugar and white sugar, until smooth. Beat in eggs one at a time, then stir in vanilla. Combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt; Stire into the creamed mixture until just blended. Mix in the quick oats, walnuts and chocolate chips. Drop by heaping spoonfuls on ungreased baking pans. bake each batch for 12 minutes and cool. Enjoy with coffee, tea or the good old classic...milk!

This recipe is very versatile. You can listen to Demi Lovato or Relient K or Lady Gaga or Black Eyed Peas...whoever you like. You can listen to country, rap, hip hop, pop, 80's etc. A radio is good if you like spontaneity (a word that basically means RANDOMNESS), or you can be cool like me and use an MP3 player, with everything you like on it, in the order you want. You can hum along or you can be awesome like me, and totally rock out, using whatever utensil is in reach, for a microphone...

Seriously though, I added 3/4 of shredded was waaaay good! Once, I added white chocolate and cinnamon chips along with the semi sweet. Every bite was like heaven! I'd like to try it with Craisins...or if you're weird and like those sorry excuses for grapes (aka raisins), I'm sure you could add those too...