Saturday, June 26, 2010


Long time, no post My Blog Monsters!
I apologize. I also have a list of excuses.

1. I could, once again, not think of anything satisfactory to blog about
2.I'm Queen of Randomness and Procrastination *blushes*
3. I am not a commited person. Unless it comes to being a fan of someone. Then I plaster their face all over anything that is mine (bedroom, computer screen, flair board etc.), memorize their life story along with many random factoids and quotes...and think about them all day. Well, maybe not all day, maybe like 75% of the day...actually only like 50% because technically I am asleep for half of a day. Not speaking of anyone in particular though...*cough*Nick Jonas*cough*Ian Somerhalder*cough*Taylor Lautner*COUGH* By the way, ECLIPSE IS COMING OUT AND I AM SO EXCIIIITED!!!!! I think Twilight is my new Pirates of the Caribbean. (For those who don't know, I went through an overly obsessive Pirates of the Caribbean phase a couple years ago. I have stickers,posters,folders,buckets,   t-shirts, a freakin' night light and MORE, all having to do with POTC. My freakin' Youtube account is even POTC themed. (Well, it WAS...I took down the Orlando Bloom background. My username is "inlovewithpotc")

OK, so I was gonna do a blog post about what outfits should I wear for my upcoming Senior pictures. But by the time I actually got around to it, I already decided. Expect to be seeing me in my absolute favorite pair of , as my father calls them, impractical shoes. I see nothing impractical about being taller and excersizing your legs. Plus, HELLO, looking cute is a serious deal, man.

And all that leg-cersize came in handy this week...I got signed up for a 4 day long tennis clinic and let me tell you...IT WAS AWESOME!

Day 1 (Monday)

Very very very very very very very informational. Things I learned about tennis: different parts of the racket, different parts of the court(which I do not remember at all except for base line and service line and alley), proper stances, terms. 

Things I learned about Me playing tennis:
1. I am "forceful", which I think is the coaches' nice way of saying I like to beat the crap out of the ball.
2. Footwork is apparently my strong point, which surprised me greatly because I assumed I'd be falling on my face left and right, like I normally do. My balance is a little off, but I have yet to fall or trip.
3. I need to work on my focus...You hit more balls that way and don't get hit in the back of the head as often(Which only happened once, by the way, all you smart alecky people, because I didn't know Coach Rory was gonna throw another ball)

There were 3 courts, 4 coaches, 6 students, a bazillion tennis balls. It was AMAZING sunny weather... I am pleased to report that my ever elusive tan has finally been acquired and will be made better through out the summer.I have a you may see that I AM white... in my own way. It kind of hurt for like 3 days but it wasn't a burn, because it never peeled or got red. My little nose did though. It's still kind of freckle-y. Yes, when I get a tan, it brings out freckle type things, as you can sort of see in my picture, (which reminds me I should've worn a halter top instead). Which I think would be totally awesome, IF I was a redhead or something.

We learned how to do a forehand stroke and a backhand stroke. I will not be a tennis geek and tell you the difference... Like I really want to. Except that forehand is with your left foot at a 2 o' clock position and backhand is with your right foot at 10 o' clock. Forehand is usually done with one arm,(dominant one, so in my case, right) whilst backhand is, sometimes, done with both hands. My forehand is better than my backhand most times... but my backhand is really cool looking when I actually hit the ball with it.

Day 2 (Tuesday)

The weather was a bit gloomy, and we got sprinkled on several times. But still awesome. We did these awesome warm ups, that I can't remember the name of (Or even if it had a name...I think it was Rotations maybe...) Where you stand back to back and twist at the waist passing the ball to your partner around and around until you're so dizzy you can't see straight. Well, thats what I did, but you were supposed to stop after 20 I think...Natalee lost count and I was too busy thinking about what a great work out my abs were getting (And I am not even kidding. I seriously was thinking "Dang, I'm gonna have killer abs!")  to remember to count. When Coach asked how many we did, I said "Like 20." and then he asked someone else and they said "Like 22." and he's like "You Anacondans don't have exact numbers do you? I could go to the bakery and ask for "like 10 donuts" and I could get 6 or I could get 18...Maybe we should work on exact numbers." It was true...and also kind of really funny.

Injury of the day: I got hit in the forehead with a racket. Not a good feeling. No scar but my forehead was very red. Note to self: Do not try to pick up the ball when the person next to you is finishing their back handed swing.Also, note when people are swinging. And when they are standing next to you.

Due to crappy, pouring, flooding rain weather, tennis was cancelled until Friday. Me and Natalee practiced at my house and honestly, sucked quite badly. Note to self: Do not play anywhere but the tennis court with Nat, because it is destined for the ball to land someplace you can't easily get to the ball, because she will most likely launch it into the creek, the neighbor's yard at the end of the street, into a 40 foot tall tree, etc.

Day 3 (Technically, it would be day 5 but whatever. Friday)

Weather was NICE!!! Not too hot, not too cold. Sierra came with us to watch, and despite insistence from everyone,(coaches and students) she would not play. Even though the day before, when we were playing in the windy rain, in the street, she made a big freaking deal about me not letting her play. But I was glad we brought her because she picked up the 100 + tennis balls we hit all over the place... about 3 times, that we students normally have to run around picking up.

No injury of the day but HIGHLIGHT: Coach said I'm definitely doing awesome. He teases me the most (besides Nat, for forgetting which side is her right.) AND also gives me the most advice. I think I'm his favorite student... Coach Rory is my favorite coach. 

Day 4 (Technically, it would be like, day 10. Whatever. Wednesday)

We learned about scoring. Love means 0,("I may not have any points but at least I have love." -Coach Rory) 15 means 1 point, 30 means 2 points, 40 means 3, the next point is called Game cuz you won...and if you both have 40 its called Duece and if...ok That's all I can remember really well but Coach Ann gave me a booky thing that explains it. 

Then we played a few games, using our scoring knowledge. I was glad everyone else caught on because I was lost after 40. 

And now we have practice sessions all through the summer FOR FREE Thanks to Coach Ann! Whom I need to get a hold of to send me tennis pictures!

Thanks for reading, My Lovelies!


  1. You got hit on the head?? HAHAHA, thats awesome!
    nice tan, but I hate to tell you that you werent pale before. ;)

  2. I'm white in my own way, so shuddup. lol

  3. Enjoy the tennis!! Sounds like fun!!

    Oh - and I'm going to see Eclipse tonight at midnight! WOOHOO!!!

  4. Whatever!! You aren't white!! You have no idea what the heck you're talking about!! Girls that can't tan would kill to have you skin ;)
    Anyways.... glad you enjoyed tennis... it still just sounds nerdy to me, but if want to play it, you go right ahead :)
