Monday, March 1, 2010

You thought I was dead? WRONG!

OK, so I totally deserve being called worst bloggy person ever cuz I've left my poor blog alone for nearly a month (or maybe it was 2....I'm not actually sure.) But it wasn't a case of was lack of inspiration! I mean, who the heck is gonna wanna read a blog telling you how much you hate snow and how much you wish you were rich? (2 of the pathetic topics I thought about using) So anyways, One Lovely Person from church brought us a meal, one of several this week, due to my mommy having her guts taken out and whatnot. (She's doing fine by the way.) And what should be in the meal but treats...Sour Ropes and Peeps! PEEPS! For some reason I eat them every year even though they taste absolutely disgusting...It's like a weird personal tradition or something. I always eat Peeps around Easter...even though I don't like them. Yes I'm weird....let's not dwell on that fact.

Anyways, Peeps inspired me. How? Well, as I went to eat a sparkley (Hey, maybe THAT'S why I eat them. My love of all things sparkley perhaps?) blue bunny, when I of them was different. There was a new nationality of Peep next to the American one. (Peeps ARE American, aren't they? Not like some Scandanavian/Spanish hybrid?)

And it struck me as very funny...which (Ha, I have such LONG explanations.) inspired me to blog about...FUNNY/WEIRD (yes, we are famous for being weird, your point?) PICTURES! OK, so these first ones are from our Road Trip/Vacation (They called it Vacation, I called it Road Trip.) Last summer. When you are in the car for long periods of time, you tend to go insane (and to this day, I get claustrophobia when we all get in my grandparents Toyota) And what happens when you combine walking all around Mount Rushmore, a few hours in the car and a bag of candy corn? (By the way, I don't know what happened to Monkey Boy's candy corn after we took these pictures, and I don't wanna find out.)

Me and SissyBug were going to do a series of "faux" (The French people's fancy word meaning FAKE) movie posters, but it never happened, due to well, procrastination and other pictures taking waaaay too long to do make-up for. These were gonna be for "Planet of the Apes" (by the way, grapes are good for making you appear to have monkey lips) and "Dark Knight". Yes, my little sister is trying to look like the Joker.

The Jester (Joker's little brother) meets the Princess on Halloween 2008! The princess is apparently having a Sugar Rush in the first picture.

Guess what happens when bored sisters have little brothers? Well, if you were a little brother with an older sister, or an older sister with a little brother, you know the answer. I will have to find a similar one of me and Dannyboy some day. Needless to say, our family likes dressing up.

OK, so there are tons more lovely pictures. I will make another post with pictures of me and Dannyboy, cuz I couldn't find any REALLY good ones in my alotted time...Blah!
I hope you enjoy these IMMENSELY! You must COMMENT YOUR LITTLE HEARTS OUT if you want another post!


  1. that pic of Gabriel in a pink dress is wrong!!! One day he will not be very happy with you LOL

  2. I read your title and I was like...huh??? Because I read it and it said "You thought you were dead wrong" and so I was like, "huh?I am? Really?" LOL

    Can't wait to see your pics!They is so cutes!

  3. hahaha! I love the peeps, which are disgusting, btw. and sierras planet of the apes look! :D
